About Us

We at Isshaan Healthcare are committed to our customers and employees and, more importantly, to the people who rely on our medicines. We are committed to march ahead with a clearer vision and greater vitality , working towards what really matters – health.

Isshaan Healthcare has a strong international presence in the Regulated and Emerging markets. The Company is continuously striving to create place for itself on a strong promising path by expanding its business strategically, strengthening its manufacturing facilities and enhancing capabilities across the organization.

The list of markets and products are expanding progressively. Our products being cost effective and highly efficacious have found wide acceptance across different continents and have been very well received. The company’s manufacturing facilities are GMP certified by national and international agencies which is a prime requirement for exporting to most of the world markets. Read More


Our Products

Our network consists of customers and partners in over 20+ countries. Perhaps the only thing larger than our network is our product range.
Proving our mettle time-and-again – we produce cutting-edge products that keep diseases at bay.

Quality Management

A Quality par-excellence, delivering seamlessly is our hallmark.
Isshaan Healthcare quality supervision is demonstrated at all phases of product life cycle. Quality evaluation begins with careful documentation. This ensures compliance with good laboratory practices and consequently integrity of the data produced. Quality supervision is continued for production, distribution and conclusion for shelf life of product.

Our commitment to quality and adherence to best practices has proven itself time and again.



Isshaan Healthcare , a leading Contract Research Organization operates its manufacturing facilities from Ahmedabad, Vadodara (Gujarat) & Haridwar (Uttarakhand). The state of the art facilities is developed as per current GMP guidelines.

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Contact Details

Isshaan Healthcare Pvt Ltd., Delhi, India